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Who: Maui Dreamers is a collective of artist, musicians, and creatives that wish to give back to their community.

What: This collective was inspired by a string of teen and adult suicides that occurred on Maui in 2016. Many of these suicides were coincidentally artistic and creative individuals.  

When: The idea to form Maui Dreamers came to one of the members as he was attending community meetings that were discussing how we can better serve our community members that are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts

Where: These meetings were being held in haiku which is also where many of the suicides that inspired this collective occurred.

How: It is known that many creative and artistic people struggle with depression. In a society where it is rare to be supported to be an artist, having a job and a degree tends to be societies idea of success. We feel, as artists who have struggled with depression themselves in the past, that it would be advantages to our younger generation for us to be on the frontline for the war on depression and suicide. Our choice of weapon is art itself.  

Our Mission: Just like Dr. Martin Luther King, We Have A Dream! Our Dream is to inspire and support the dreams of our artistic and creative community. 

So far our best idea is our youth outreach program for young musicians and artists. ie we wish to host talent shows at junior high and high schools, offering free support and resources, and to help create outlets for our young talent and creators.

Phase 1: Create and distribute music and merchandise, to raise funds that allow us to be available to our dreams and the dreams of others.

Phase 2: Non-profit 501-3C Status.

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